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Watering House Plants

Home Services

Home Services  

Cottage Companions is your dependable home watch service ensuring the safety and upkeep of your home when you're away. We realize that leaving your home unattended can be stressful, but with us, you can rest easy knowing your sanctuary is in capable hands.


With each visit we conduct comprehensive property checks, looking out for any signs of damage or unusual activity. We monitor for leaks, pests, security breaches, weather damage, or any other issues that might arise, so you can return to your home just as you left it.


Our services extend beyond simple monitoring. We also take care of routine upkeep tasks such as watering plants, collecting mail, and even rotating lights to maintain a lived-in appearance. Our goal is to ensure your home remains safe, secure, and well-maintained.


With our customized services and commitment to excellence, Cottage Companions is the answer to your home watch needs. We respect your privacy and treat your home with the utmost care, allowing you to enjoy your time away without the constant worry about your unattended property.


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